If you would like to pay by credit card over the phone, please give us a call at
(603)448-4553 and we are happy to do so.
For 50 years, LISTEN has been on the frontlines providing vital support for people across the Upper Valley who are facing crisis. The demand for LISTEN’s help with services such as food, housing, and utility assistance is now at an all-time high. Join us and invest in our community.
One Sentence In Your Will Can Make A Lifetime Of Difference
To leave a gift in your will, simply share this sentence with your attorney or financial planner:
“I bequeath $ _____or_____% of my estate to LISTEN, 60 Hanover Street, Lebanon ,NH, 03766
All Rights Reserved | LISTEN Community Services | Registered 501(c)(3) | EIN: 23-7225952