LISTEN Summer Camp Scholarship Program provides need-based camp scholarships to Upper Valley children ages 6-14 for one week at the camp of their choosing.
Registrations for families referred by schools or other social service agencies start January 13th. Beginning February 3rd, eligible families may self-refer by calling LISTEN to schedule an appointment.
All summer camp scholarship appointments are available by phone appointments only. Additionally, some camp registration dates may change as camps continue to make plans/adjustments. However, parents can still make an appointment to get approval for a LISTEN Summer Camp Scholarship whether registration for the chosen camp is open.
The LISTEN Summer Camp Scholarship Program provides need-based camp scholarships to Upper Valley children aged 6-14. The scholarship goes towards one week of day or overnight camp and can range from $100-$500 per camper.
LISTEN first works with local schools & social service agencies who identify & refer families they feel would most benefit from the program. A school or social service agency can refer up to 20 children. Their referral does not guarantee a scholarship but gives parents priority to schedule an appointment early – before February 3rd. The program opens to the public on February 3rd and will continue until funds run out
January 13th: Appointments start for parents with a referral
February 3rd: Appointments start for parents who self-refer.
Parents or legal guardians of a child between the ages of 6 and 14 at the time of camp attendance.
Lives in our service area
Household net income must be at or
below USDA program eligibility income guidelines.
View the USDA program eligibility income guidelines for details.
With your help, we can give youth across the region a summer camp experience full of exploration and growth. Every year, we hear from families who share that their children came home from camp with an increased sense of responsibility, new leadership and communication skills, stronger physical and emotional health, and much, much more. Please join us and donate online or send a check to LISTEN’s office at 60 Hanover Street in Lebanon.
You can contact our Summer Camp Coordinator about applying to camps directly for assistance. You can also talk to a service coordinator about the LISTEN services without income requirements to help alleviate your bills. Call 603-448-4553, or email for an appointment.
Below is a list of some of the camps which offer need-based scholarships, which parents can apply for in addition to the LISTEN Scholarship. If interested, parents can contact these camps directly for more information or visit their website:
We work with over 50 camps in the region, with activities ranging from exploring the outdoors, arts, athletics, and science. The following are just a few of the local camps in the Upper Valley with whom we work.
Depending on timing, camp options may be limited due to session availability & scholarship funds available. Parents are also welcome to explore other NH or VT camps not listed here. Parents can visit camp websites for details on age eligibility, session dates, & activities.
All Rights Reserved | LISTEN Community Services | Registered 501(c)(3) | EIN: 23-7225952